Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Are we there yet? Can I watch a show? He's touching me!!! If any of this sounds familiar, you have probably spent some time in the car with small children. Whether it is taking a family road trip or just driving around town running errands or going to activities, families spend a lot of time in their cars. 

Car rides, short or long, can lead to headaches for parents and boredom for children. Keep reading to learn some ideas to make car rides meaningful time for parents and kids. 
  • Tell a Story-Presohool aged kids and up are the perfect age for this fun game. One person starts telling a story. Then the next person adds to the story. This continues until everyone has had a chance to add to the story and the first person gets to tell the ending of the story. 
  • What am I thinking of?-Our family started playing this game when our kids were just preschoolers. One person would think of an animal, person or place. Other people in the car would ask questions like, "Is it big or little?" "What color is it?" "Where does it live?" Continue asking questions until someone is able to guess what I am thinking of. 
  • I Spy-Even young toddlers can play variations of I Spy. In the original version of I Spy, one person chooses something they see and says "I spy with my little eye something that is ____." The other people take turn trying to guess the item. Younger children can play this too by saying "I spy a stop sign." Everyone looks for a stop sign. When someone sees a stop sign, they say "I spy a stop sign."
  • Audio Books-Listening to books on tape can be a fun way to pass a car ride. Did you know you can check out audio books from the Washington County Library?
  • Car Bingo-A simple google search can lead you to many free printable car bingo games. Click here for one example. 
  • The Alphabet Game-Choose a category like fruit or animals, etc. Then take turns thinking of something that starts with each letter of the alphabet for that category. 
  • The Quiet Game-Everyone in the car has to stay quiet. First one to talk loses! Passing out a round of snacks can help make this game a success. This was always my favorite car game!
  • Sing-a-long-Pick yours and your kids' favorite songs for everyone to sing. This is a great time to pull out some of the songs you have learned here at ECFE. 
The car is also a great place to just have conversations with your child(ren). The car can be a great place to hear all about their day at school or daycare. Just don't ask "How was school?" Instead, check out this list of alternative questions to get your child talking. 

So the next time you buckle up with your kids in the car, try out one of these fun car games to make your drive better for all of you! 

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