Sunday, January 3, 2016


Welcome families to our new blog!  Yeah, we know what you're thinking!  Another blog on parenting!  Why do I need to read another blog on parenting?  Good question.  As an early childhood and family education program, we wanted to share with our families the reasons behind some of our philosophies on parenting and child development, and why we are so adamant about these philosophies.  Such as, why we encourage limiting screen time for children (and, you too parents), why we want you to talk, read, sing (a lot!) to your kids, why we are always
pushing tummy time for infants and getting kids out of containers (e.g., infant seats) and letting them MOVE, and why we harp on parents about the importance of teaching kids self-regulation skills (this is a BIGGY!)

In upcoming posts, we'll share the research behind these philosophies on parenting and child development and offer strategies that will support you in your role as your child's first and most important teacher.  We're hoping this blog will offer you information, as well as support, that will help you be the best parent you can be! 

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