Fun with Tape
- Create an obstacle course using painter's tape on your floor. Some ideas to include are different shapes for your child to jump on and lines for them to walk on. You can even have them go under and over furniture.
- Using masking tape or painter's tape create a roadway for your child to drive cars around.
- Tape smaller toys like cars, animals or blocks to a cookie sheet or tray. Have your child free the objects by peeling the tape up and off each one. This is a great fine motor activity for building strong fingers.
- Tape across a piece of paper or canvas. Have your child cover the paper with paint, markers or crayons. Then peel off the tape.
- For even more fun tape ideas check out over 40 painters tape game and activities here.
Fun with Water
- Play the sink or float game with your child. Collect a variety of objects. Be sure to have some that will sink and some that will float. Fill a clear tub with water or play this in the bathtub or kitchen sink. Take turns choosing an object and putting it in the water. Does it sink or float? For older children ask them to make a prediction before they put it in the water. Once they have done this a few times ask them what they notice about the objects that float or sink.
- Freeze some small toys (cars or animals) in a container of water. Once it is frozen place the block of ice on a tray, in your sink or tub and give your child a squeeze bottle, eye droppers, or spray bottle filled with warm water. Let them have fun melting the ice to get to the toys.
- Paint outside on the sidewalk or driveway with water. Let your children create pictures and watch them disappear.
- Make a car wash station. Fill a container with soapy water. Let your child wash toy cars or other toys using q-tips, sponges, paint brushes or toothbrushes.
- Make homemade bubbles. Click here for several different recipes for homemade bubbles. There are lots of different items that can be used as bubble wands including, toilet/paper towel roll tubes, plastic straws, metal canning lids, cookie cutters, pipe cleaners (twisted into the shape of a wand) and plastic bottles with the bottom cut off.
Fun with Books
- Have your child read a familiar story to you. This is a beginning step to literacy.
- Make paper plate mask of your favorite characters and retell the story together or create your own story.
- Look at pictures of your family together. Ask your child to find certain people. Talk about each person with your child.
- Join the Washington County Library for their Storytime on the Go.
- Read, Read, Read! Enjoy lots of books with your child.
- Turn on your favorite song and have a dance party with your child.
- Sing familiar songs like Twinkle, Twinkle, Mr. Sun, The Wheels on the Bus, The Itsy Bitsy Spider & Roly Poly.
- Do the Freeze Song, Shake Your Sillies Out or Baby Shark.
- Make homemade shakers using small plastic containers filled with rice, dry beans, dry pasta or beads.
- Go on a nature scavenger hunt.
- Decorate your driveway and sidewalks with chalk. Maybe write an encouraging message for those who will be walking in your neighborhood.
- Use chalk and make an outdoor obstacle course.