Indoor Fun
- Play with Shaving Cream-Spray a small pile of shaving cream on your table or in a larger container. Be sure to use the foam not the gel. Give your child tools like popsicle sticks, spoons or toy cars and let them play!
- Dollar Store Bin or Drawer-Keep a bin filled with easy to do craft items/supplies that you can get at the dollar store or dollar section. Let your child pick an activity to do. An alternative to this is have a Dollar Store Day. Take your child to the dollar store or section. Give them a set amount of money, maybe $5 and let them pick out crafts or toys to play with.
- Recycled play-keep cardboard boxes, plastic bottles and lids. Combine these things with tape/glue and let your child's imagination soar.
- Painter's Tape Fun-Check out this great list of over 40 painters tape games and crafts.
- Have a Dance Party-Turn on your favorite tunes and dance with your kids. This has the added benefit of be a great workout too!
- Have an indoor picnic
- Make Playdough-Give your child a variety of tools, rolling pin, cookie cutters, popsicle sticks, blocks, etc. Playdough is also a great item for kids to practice using safety scissors.
Outdoor Fun
- Build Snow Castles-Use different sizes and shapes of containers, buckets or pails and build snow castles instead of sand castles. This can be done indoors as well by bringing a large container of snow inside.
- Snow Painting-Add food coloring or washable paint to water in spray or squirt bottles and let your little artist paint the snow.
- Go sledding and/or ice skating. For safety be sure to have your child wear a helmet for both of these activities.
- Read the book Snowballs by Lois Ehlert. Collect items around your house to help you build a snowman.
- Visit one of the many Nature Centers in the Twin Cities area.
Other Fun Ideas
- Night at the Children's Museum-Join other families from South Washington County Schools Early Learning Program at the Children's Museum on Thursday, January 23rd from 5:30 to 8pm. The cost is $5 per person. Click HERE to register!
- Check out one of our Drop-In Play Times
- Pajama Story Time-Join us at our Central Park location on February 5th from 6-7 for a special story time with Washington County Libraries. This is a free event. No registration need.
I hope that this list gets you started on creating winter family fun with your child. Think about your own childhood. What were some of your favorite winter activities? Share these activities with your child.